Before my association with GYF, I was highly focused on my physical actions without very little attention to my inner thoughts and spiritual being. My association with GYF has helped me immensely to make the necessary changes to my inner state it be dealing with life. GYF provided me with the support and guidance to discover, change and grow, which was definitely something I was seeking for a very long time.

I feel more at peace within myself and better equipped to handle life’s challenges in a calm manner with a positive outlook on every situation.

The education system in the UK provides children with knowledge to work and earn a living. However, it doesn’t help in guiding or teaching people about their characters. This was one of my major concerns and personal dilemma I faced whilst growing up. Naturally I become concerned for my children and the challenges they would face in life. How could I teach my children to be better human beings if I myself didn’t have the knowledge? Thankfully, this dilemma has been resolved because the projects carried out by GYF are helping me to gain knowledge in many areas of personal interest. As a result I an hopeful that through this platform obtain the knowledge and skills. I am now better equipped and more confident that I will be able to direct and educate my children to beautify their characters’ from an early age.

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